Corporate Sustainability is the key to successful business, according to SIGEA Software experts

“Having a sustainable outlook from the beginning avoids inconveniences or delays that mean losses,” they say.

Although the climate crisis has been a trigger for the productive sector to heed the call to include sustainability in their businesses, today it is imperative to include this view in the corporate strategy, where Environmental Compliance is an important part. But it is not only limited to this, as the adoption of standards, hitherto voluntary, is emerging strongly in sustainable business strategies.

“Any project that complies correctly with its permitting requirements has a high probability of being a successful and efficient project,” says Gonzalo Asencio, CEO of SIGEA Softwarewho assures that the Corporate Sustainability is the key to a management capable of avoiding fines, non-compliance and the scrutiny of an increasingly empowered citizenry, aspects that today are also highly valued by investors.

“Throughout our 14 years of experience, we have seen environmental requirements increase, with permit management taking on greater relevance in project strategy. Having a sustainable approach from the beginning avoids inconveniences or delays that could mean losses in the investment,” Asencio complements, adding: “That which, until now, has not been possible, has not been possible. just a few years ago, it was considered a costly for the projects, today it is seen as a key pillar in for business success by managing the inherent and growing risks of projects”.

And while it may sound like a lot of bureaucracy, software such as SIGEA allows streamlining processes through the simulation of scenarios and permitting times required by a project, using a platform capable of being up to date with current permits and adapting to future regulations, and even adapting to the legal framework of other countries.

“At SIGEA we currently have the full range of Environmental and Sectorial Permits that a project in Chile may require, with more than 300 Applicable Type Permits available in our Permit Master, which is constantly being updated by our team,” says Cesar Barra Hernandez, Innovation and Project Manager at SIGEA Software.

The step-by-step of applying Corporate Sustainability to business, according to Gonzalo Asencio

The first thing is to be very familiar with international standards, because that is where we should be aiming. Efforts should be focused on strengthening the capacity to effectively measure, monitor and manage environmental, social and corporate governance factors, known as ESG.

This not only allows risk control, as it is a sustainable business as such, but also generates an incentive for investors, since if the impact on the environment and on the well-being of employees, suppliers, customers and the community is positive, the company can be a recipient of SRI (Socially Responsible Investment).

This is why it is so important to think about Corporate Sustainability in the business strategy and to work with collaborative platforms like SIGEAThe company has a strong commitment to the sustainability of its production process, because ultimately each person, each piece, each factor that is part of a company, project or site, has an impact and responsibility in the sustainability of its production process.

If we all act with a focus on multifactorial sustainability, there is a very high probability of growth and maintenance over time, considerably reducing the risk of fines or delays, because the base is well structured.

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