SIGEA – Gisma Anniversary: 16 Years of Innovation

In 2007, when digital transformation was not yet a hot topic, Gisma made its appearance with an innovative vision of legal and environmental compliance, which led to the creation of SIGEA Software.

The main objective: to support sustainability management and corporate compliance in the different industrial sectors, using the most advanced technological tools to raise standards and harmonize industrial development with social and environmental well-being.

Although it was a platform ahead of its time, today it is satisfying to see how in 16 years of work we have changed the way companies manage their operations and resources. Along with this, to live the process of change of mentality, where our deepest values are in accordance with the standards of human development at international level.

The beginnings were not easy, says our CEO and Founder, Gonzalo Asencio: “It took us more than three years to have the first platform customer and then it has taken us ten more years for this to become an operational necessity”.

Gonzalo Asencio – Founder & CEO

These were years of learning, evolution and constant growth. Each challenge was an opportunity to improve and become stronger. Today we have a solid foundation and a deep understanding of the needs of the industry, as well as a propitious scenario to install the need and responsibility to align ourselves with ESG criteria, which show us how to balance environment, society and corporate governance.

“It’s really motivating to think, to feel, that after 15 years of entrepreneurship we are now back to entrepreneurship on another scale,” says Asencio, also referring to the app that some customers are already testing and that marks a new milestone in SIGEA’s history.

SIGEA Chile Team
Part of the SIGEA team in Chile


Together with the adoption of SIGEA Software in app format by our customers, we will take a giant step towards non-compliance prevention, informed and efficient decision making, and a sustainable economy.

Today, we proudly say that SIGEA Software is a solid and versatile platform that supports the changes the world needs in times of crisis.


All this has been possible thanks to a team that has grown and worked tirelessly. ” Today we are indeed a large team, but we probably have to grow much more to respond to a demand that will probably be very overwhelming,” says Asencio.

16 years of innovation, audacity and perseverance have brought SIGEA Software to where it is today, but the story has just begun. “I hope we continue on this path, because we believe we are a contribution to this transformation process that we need,” adds our CEO, who also has encouraging projections:

“In the short term, we want to consolidate our globalization strategy. We want to do our work, not only in Chile but also in Latin America, and to make our way firmly into the European community, as a bridge to have a global structure”.

Thus, we welcome with optimism this new page to be written in the history of Gisma and SIGEA Software, wishing the best for this year number 16 and all those to come.

In this sense, it is important to consider that an approach based on ESG criteria promotes greater corporate responsibility and constant adaptation to regulatory and cultural changes. The “G” in ESG Governance reflects the importance of transparency, ethics and accountability in corporate decision-making and operation.

Contact us to help you evaluate, prioritize and manage your project.

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