Handling of hazardous substances

The module is oriented to the management of hazardous substances, providing specific tools to maintain effective control and detailed follow-up in each responsible area. Through the creation of protocols, it facilitates the flow of essential information to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

Highlights of

Handling of hazardous substances

Safety Data Sheets

It creates a list of hazardous substances characterized according to current regulations, providing detailed information on the characteristics and precautions of each substance. This function ensures the proper handling of hazardous materials, minimizing risks and promoting a safe and healthy work environment.

Accessible information

Inventories accessible to users, with information linked to each other and updated according to established deadlines, facilitating compliance with occupational health and safety requirements.

Assigns responsible parties

Assignment of persons responsible for data loading and validation. By assigning clear roles, accountability is fostered and data integrity is ensured, thus contributing to effective and transparent management.

Stock control

Controls the use, stock and disposal of hazardous substances, linked to their respective SDS.

Maintaining effective control and detailed monitoring in each area through the creation of protocols facilitates the flow of essential information to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

SIGEA’s module for the management of hazardous substances offers a comprehensive and structured approach to ensure control, monitoring and regulatory compliance. From assigning responsibilities to generating customized reports, this tool contributes to the safe and efficient handling of hazardous substances in any operating environment. The key features of the module are highlighted below.

List of SDS

The negative impact that a chemical substance can have on people or the environment can be irreversible, so it is essential to keep up to date detailed information on the substances used and the risks associated with their use through Safety Data Sheets (SDS), including data such as chemical properties, safe handling methods and hazard classification.

This centralized registry facilitates quick access to relevant information.

SIGEA makes it possible to create a list of hazardous substances with the information provided by suppliers, who must comply with current regulations.

Inventory and warehouses

By uploading and validating the inventory information, according to the established frequency, SIGEA allows visualizing and tracking the use, stock and disposal of hazardous substances, linked to their respective SDSs.

Management of activities

SIGEA facilitates the configuration of deadlines to keep inventories updated, as well as the loading of data, which can range from unit loads to bulk loads.

Finally, each upload process leads to a last stage of validation, where users are designated to review the information to ensure that it is correct in form and substance.

Follow-up by Responsible Area

It allows to assign and follow up specifically to each area responsible for the management of hazardous substances. This facilitates the clear distribution of responsibilities and ensures effective control in each operating unit.

Registration of Hazardous Substances

It provides a comprehensive registration system for hazardous substances, including data such as chemical properties, safe handling methods and hazard classification. This centralized register facilitates quick access to relevant information.

Customization According to Requirements

It provides customization options according to each user’s specific requirements. From parameter settings to reporting, the module adapts to particular operational and regulatory needs.

Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

Facilitates the monitoring of regulatory compliance, ensuring that practices related to hazardous substances are aligned with current standards and regulations.

This functionality is essential to avoid penalties and ensure safety in the workplace.

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