SDG 9 Inclusive and sustainable industrialization in mining

One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals #ODS adopted by the UN in 2015 as part of the. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , seeks to foster sustainable industrialization and build resilient infrastructure through innovation and technology.

In this context, mining can adopt various measures to achieve this goal, such as fostering innovation, improving connectivity, promoting sustainable mining and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, promoting sustainable mining and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

A useful tool for the implementation of these measures is SIGEA Software, which guarantees an orderly management of legal and environmental compliance, identifying and minimizing socio-environmental impacts.

How to adopt SDG9 in a mining project?

Here are 3 basic tips or ideas on how SIGEA Software can help you align your mining project with one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals #ODS.

1. Complies with current environmental laws and regulations.

For this, SIGEA software can help you:

  • Identify the legal requirements applicable to the mining activity,
  • Monitoring compliance with these requirements
  • Generate reports that demonstrate compliance to show that your project operations are conducted responsibly and in compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Identify the environmental impacts associated with your project in order to implement measures to minimize these impacts.

  • SIGEA software helps you identify risk areas and follow up on corrective actions, which demonstrate that your operations are running sustainably.

3. Manages information related to ESG criteria.

  • SIGEA software helps you centralize and manage information related to waste management, water and energy consumption, emissions and other key aspects of environmental and social management.
  • In this way, you can maintain effective control over your operations and make informed decisions to improve your environmental and social performance.



If you need a sustainable solution for your project or company, write to us:

