How do we prepare for the mining of the future?

These days, when the Expomin 2023 Expomin 2023 in Chile we at SIGEA Software ask ourselves, in what scenario are we in to achieve a productive and sustainable mining?

Mining is a fundamental part of the country’s economy and an important source of employment and development, generating 15% of GDP, accounting for 62% of national exports and employing more than 800,000 people, many of them highly specialized.

It is also known that Chile is one of the leaders in mining; we have 22% of the world’s copper reserves, 11% of molybdenum reserves, 5% of silver reserves, 7% of gold and 48% of the world’s lithium reserves, in addition to a vast experience in the industry.

The mining sector is an important taxpayer, representing 6% of tax revenue, so the country needs mining to continue to develop but with a vision for the future, so that not only current generations benefit from the extraction of resources, but also those to come.

Mining is an industry that has a significant socio-environmental impact, so while its regulatory burden is very broad and deep, it is necessary for mining companies to adopt management principles based on ESG criteria to control risks and maximize business value.

“Given the magnitude of mining projects and their high impact on the different sustainability criteria, it is essential that they lead the required transformation processes,” says Gonzalo Asencio, CEO of SIGEA Software, adding: “organizations must take charge of corporate sustainability, understanding that the entire organization is responsible, not just the sustainability department. It is necessary to consider a comprehensive management approach, which distributes responsibilities in the different management processes and encourages collaborative work”.

Gonzalo Asencio, SIGEA’s CEO

This collaboration is not only important for legal or environmental compliance, but also to keep all stakeholders in balance, including workers, contractors, clients and communities, as well as investors and management, who should be involved in both the positive and negative externalities of mining projects.

In order to advance steadily along this path, it is essential to have the technological support that will facilitate the integration of the various stakeholders. A platform such as SIGEA Software improves the efficiency and productivity of mining operations by automating processes and digitizing management.

In this sense, not just any software can meet the challenges of a mining project, since a platform must be considered that takes care of everything from data collection to the final report. from data collection to the final report.

Chile, a leader in mining

Capturing data at source and having traceability in management processes allows for accurate measurement, for example, of greenhouse gas emissions and managing them online, which not only ensures management in the present, but also lays the groundwork for any measurable improvements in the future.

Capturing data at source and having traceability in management processes allows for accurate measurement, for example, of greenhouse gas emissions and managing them online, which not only ensures management in the present, but also lays the groundwork for any measurable improvements in the future.

SIGEA software allows to control management processes The company must comply with legal or voluntary, internal or external standards, but if we also count on the reliability of the data, we are talking about an incentive to attract new investors, who increasingly demand greater transparency and expeditious access to updated and standardized information that can be weighed.

Chile has a mining investment and project portfolio for the year 2022-2029 of US$41 bn under evaluation according to the Mining Council Report 2022, so it is not sensible to risk the sustainability of the business by not incorporating theright tools and advice for this type of industry.

What are SIGEA Software’s recommendations for transitioning to sustainable mining?

  1. Have control of the management processes that must account for compliance with the following standards standards standards, whether legal or voluntary, internal or external.
  2. Distribute responsibilities in the different management processes.
  3. Encourage collaborative work throughout the organization.
  4. To be highly rigorous in data collection, in order to have a traceability that supports subsequent reports. subsequent reports.
  5. Update the mindset of the mining business and think of a strategy that incorporates ESG criteria and involves all stakeholders.

Applying these recommendations, together with the technological support provided by SIGEA Software and its team’s expertise SIGEA Software and the expertise of its team, can meet today’s challenges and have a solid data base to be able to embrace future challenges without compromising the profitability of the business, which together is what we call Corporate Sustainability and is what will drive us to continue exploring mining in the future.


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