SIGEA Software: our purpose is sustainability

In the current context, in a world undergoing crises of various kinds, it is crucial for development to have a purpose. The purpose, understood as that objective, outside the economic one, that seeks to generate a positive impact on society.

In the case of SIGEA Software, our purpose is to address the climate emergency through corporate sustainability. This is why we created this solution. Because we are convinced that facilitating compliance tasks means promoting sustainable development that respects people and the planet.

And as they say it is better to start at home, we held the workshop “Corporate Sustainability and ESG Criteria Application”. In this workshop, created by and for the SIGEA Software team, each member of the team was able to soak up the company’s purpose and make it their own. Because aligning the team with the company’s vision and promoting ESG standards in each of them brings us one step closer to achieving positive change.

The workshop, led by our CEO Gonzalo Asencio, was a journey from the fundamental concepts of sustainability to today’s most pressing challenges. We begin by recalling the roots of sustainability, with a look at the 1987 Bruntland Report that defined sustainable development. We review the three dimensions to be considered: economic, social and environmental. And finally we come to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Defined in 2015, they are expected to change the world by 2030. To get closer to this, we must take concrete actions today.

Environmental factor

From the environmental factor (E), we discussed the need to reduce, recycle and reuse materials. In this sense, the circular economy becomes a priority and the transformation of industrial waste into secondary raw materials a crucial step towards a cleaner and more sustainable world.

We also took a look at the challenges related to water pollution, water scarcity and the management of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. In this sense, our water resources management module, Hidrometrix, reaffirms itself as a strategic ally for all industries, with a special focus on mining.

All of this opened up a discussion on the risks and opportunities related to the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, as well as waste management and biodiversity protection. At this point, everyone was able to compare their daily actions and make new personal commitments to the collective purpose.

The social dimension

Focusing on employees, suppliers, communities, government and civil society is essential to the long-term success of any entity, including ours. This has an ethical variant, which represents us, and a strategic one. This is why we analyze how ESG factors can have a critical impact on company performance and market value.

As a supplier to large companies, one of our tasks is to demonstrate that sustainability is directly related to business success and the protection of large investments. Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace positively affect productivity and employee engagement.

Governance and the corporate role

In the workshop we also reviewed the evolution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to ESG standards. This marked a crucial change in the way companies approach sustainability.

To quote Bowen in 1953, companies have an “obligation to follow those policies and make those decisions that are desirable in terms of the values of our society”. This commitment is the basis of our vision. That is why we review and highlight cases and examples of companies that have successfully addressed sustainability and corporate responsibility issues.

The reunion

The workshop was not only an opportunity to learn, but also to connect on a personal level. Given that many of our collaborators work remotely, the event served to recognize us as a synergistic group with a shared commitment. This also crowns our 16th anniversary.

Each member of the team behind SIGEA Software is today an ambassador of our values in their daily lives. We definitely came away from this workshop with a greater understanding of how our company can lead the way to a more sustainable future and eager to share it with the world.
