Corporate Sustainability: Achieving NCG 461 reportability

The challenge posed by General Rule 461 of the Financial Market Commission (CMF) requires reporting ESG policies and goals. Thus, banks, insurance companies, issuers of publicly offered securities, general fund managers and stock exchanges operating in Chile must report the policies, practices and goals adopted in environmental, social and governance matters, better known as criteria. […]

New Economic Crimes Law: Promoting Corporate Sustainability and Public Trust

The new law against economic crimes and attacks against the environment (Law 21.595), comes to catch up with international standards. More than two years ago, we warned of the need for an update to comply with the requirements demanded by the OECD and today it is a reality. This law modifies a relevant set of […]

SDG 9 Inclusive and sustainable industrialization in mining

One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals #ODS adopted by the UN in 2015 as part of the. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , seeks to foster sustainable industrialization and build resilient infrastructure through innovation and technology. In this context, mining can adopt various measures to achieve this goal, such as fostering innovation, improving connectivity, […]

Watershed approach: The change in the management of water resources in Chile

The Minister of the Environment, Maisa Rojas, will head the inter-ministerial coordination that seeks to establish a new water governance in the country with a watershed approach, as expressed by the President of the Republic on June 1. In addition, in the context of the first public account of the current government, the following was […]