Committee of Ministers to resolve Angelini and BHP projects

Sergio Sáez F., La Segunda – After the Committee of Ministers – made up of the Ministers of Energy, Mining, Economy, Health, Agriculture and Environment The company will now have to resolve the claims that weigh on two mining investment projects: Diego de Almagro (US$ 475 million), linked to the Angelini group, and the expansion […]
High costs threatened the first geothermal project in Biobío

Carmen Gloria Sandoval, El Sur Newspaper. The high cost of investment and the gradual drop in energy prices due to the massive entry of new players into the market, mainly developers of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE), set back the first geothermal project in southern Chile, located on the border between the regions of Biobío and […]
On changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment System

From the outset, we must recognize that if today’s projects are more sustainable, it is thanks to the SEIA as an environmental management instrument aimed at strengthening the environmental sustainability of investment projects. It is not appropriate, therefore, to refer pejoratively to this system as a “bull’s back” against entrepreneurial initiatives. Although we fully share […]
The challenge of preserving our own future

One of the first legislations related to environmental care dates back to 1994, when the Basic Law on the Environment was enacted, an adjusted version of the European regulations and which considered some instruments and principles of environmental management. By 1997, a new regulation was enacted, after which public and private organizations were involved in […]
Hans Willumsen at UNAB 2017 seminar

Hans Willumsen at Seminar: “It is necessary to strengthen other regulatory and political instruments to decompress the SEIA and improve its efficiency and effectiveness in the evaluation of projects”. On September 5, at the Law School of the Universidad Andrés Bello, was held the Seminar on Environmental Law: “A multidisciplinary look at sustainability in environmental evolution”. The event […]
GISMA obtains ISO 9001 recertification

GISMA renews its commitment to service quality and obtains the ISO 9001 recertification. This is an achievement of all the people who make up our company, congratulations to all and this achievement encourages us to continue advancing in continuous improvement.
CNN does an article with our manager Gonzalo Asencio

CNN makes a note with comments from our Manager Gonzalo Asencio on the possible scenarios for Dominga regarding the ruling of the environmental courts, April 2018. The full interview can be viewed at the following link (01:24 to 01:32 min. and 01:56 to 02:10)
Compliance with Comp. Environmental and its relevance for sustainability

In-depth article in Induambiente magazine on compliance with environmental commitments and their relevance for the sustainability of companies, the importance of the use of technology and the characteristics of SIGEA as a facilitator of the internal management of companies. Interesting interview with Gonzalo Asencio. COMMITTED AT THE ROOT The monitoring of environmental commitments is a […]
At SIGEA we are committed to a Switching Change at Radio Cooperativa

Radio Cooperativa, one of the radio stations with the longest trajectory in Chile, opened a space to talk about the topics that move us: sustainability and new energies; so we could do nothing but support the initiative. This is how SIGEA became a sponsor of the radio program Cambio de Switch, which is broadcasted every […]