How compliance with voluntary standards and commitments contribute to corporate sustainability and sustainable development

Different productive sectors are taking the lead and signing voluntary agreements that have demonstrated their positive effect in reducing the carbon footprint, reaching 1.5 tons in Chile. A Clean Production Agreement (APL) is an environmental management instrument where productive sectors and companies voluntarily commit to develop measures to make their activities more sustainable. As of […]

SIGEA Software: our purpose is sustainability

In the current context, in a world undergoing crises of various kinds, it is crucial for development to have a purpose. The purpose, understood as that objective, outside the economic one, that seeks to generate a positive impact on society. In the case of SIGEA Software, our purpose is to address the climate emergency through […]

SIGEA Software at Water Congress 2023: Digital Transformation in Mining Water Management

In the cosmopolitan setting of the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, more than 340 delegates from 18 countries gathered to participate in one of the most outstanding events in the water industry: the Water Congress 2023. This annual congress brings together experts, industry leaders and decision makers from around the world to discuss the trends and […]

Ambient Intelligence 2020: When environmental authority drives digital transformation.

The Superintendency of the Environment began the implementation of its “Environmental Intelligence” strategy , which aims to encourage environmental compliance. environmental compliance using analytical tools and process automation. The initiative, which also seeks to consolidate the SMA‘s electronic platform, includes electronic reporting, automated analysis, the use of satellite images, and the sending of mass notifications […]

Towards Sustainable Mining: Reflections from Expominas 2024

La XVII edición de Expominas 2024, que se realizó del 10 al 12 de julio en el Centro de Convenciones Metropolitano de Quito, fue una experiencia que no sólo sumó más millas a la expansión de SIGEA en el mundo, este evento nos permitió conectar con una industria en una etapa crucial. Ecuador, con un […]