Fulfillment of commitments

The Environmental and Sectoral Commitments Compliance module in SIGEA is an essential component of the platform, playing a fundamental role in integrated management. It offers functionalities to ensure compliance within the organization.

Highlights of

Fulfillment of commitments

Management of Various Types of Fulfillments

Build compliance schedules for each item, with responsible parties, due dates, upload dates and validation dates.

Real-Time Compliance Status Tracking

Tools for real-time tracking of evidence upload and validation from mobile devices and without internet connection.

Automatic Notifications and Alerts

Constant information on deadlines, compliance status and relevant events for a timely response to critical situations.

Massive information population

SIGEA simplifies the process of mass data populating by allowing the import/export of commitments from structured matrices in MS Excel.

SIGEA's Environmental and Sectoral Commitments Compliance module offers functionalities to ensure compliance within the organization.

Its ability to define and configure all necessary aspects ensures effective monitoring and optimal compliance for both Environmental and Sectoral Commitments. The key features of the module are highlighted below:

Direct Linkage between Permits and Commitments

It establishes a direct link between Permits and Commitments, allowing a comprehensive follow-up. This ensures that the execution of activities associated with the Permits is aligned with the Commitments assumed, contributing to compliance and transparency.

Definition of Various Types of Commitments

Flexibility to manage different categories of commitments, both reportable to the authority and those related to operational and social risks.

Management of Various Types of Fulfillments

Adaptability that allows adjusting the platform to the different deadlines and requirements associated with the execution of commitments, creating a compliance schedule for each commitment.

Assignment of Responsibilities for Uploading and Validation of Compliance Evidence

Each user can be designated as responsible for providing this specific evidence, improving clarity in processes and ensuring effective information gathering.

Real Time Compliance Status Tracking

Key indicators and progress visualization allow managers and stakeholders to be aware of the current situation and make informed decisions.

Interconnection with other SIGEA modules

It integrates seamlessly with other Sigea modules, such as initiative management and stakeholder management, to ensure holistic and coordinated management of Permits and Commitments activities.

Detailed Commitment Sheet

Tabs organized intuitively in several tabs, including Commitment Detail, Compliance Checkers, Logbook, Action Plans, Audits and Verification, and Facilities and Processes. This structuring reflects the deep commitment and interconnectedness of all elements within the system.

Automatic Notifications and Alerts

Reports on deadlines, compliance status and relevant events in compliance management. These alerts ensure proactive management and timely response to critical situations.

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